Sunday, July 29, 2012

Superhero Scramble

Last night, Jeff and I ran our 1st ever mud run/obstacle course challenge. We were a part of a team with our friend and neighbor, Luisa.....Jeff being the only male representative on the team. It was called The Legion of Lu....clearly Luisa formed the team =) The SUPERHERO SCRAMBLE was 4-6 Miles of wicked terrain, located at the Waldo Motocross Speedway, with 20+ obstacles including major water crossings and the SUPER SLIME, located at the bottom of a HUGE waterslide! This course is not for the weak....that is for certain! It was so much fun running it with Jeff and definitely pushed me beyond any limits I thought I had. I was able to complete all of the obstacles withe the exception of the final incline rope wall....that was impossible after utilizing every last bit of strength you had completing the rest of the course, not to mention the wet muddy shoes that didn't allow for any traction. After a few attempts, I had to go up the side of the scaffolding to reach the top of the slid. Jeff made it to the top on his own, on his 1st attempt mind you, but got stuck hanging on to the top ledge and couldn't pull himself up.....who could with those long legs anyway!?!? One of the race employees had to hoist him up. We ended up finishing the race in just over 70 minutes. I am hooked now and can't wait to compete in our next race!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Austin turns 6!

Time sure is flying by in regards to the kids! It is hard to believe that Austin is now 6 years old. For his birthday we decided to keep it really low-key and stick to the tradition or having a party every other year. Austin chose to bring his buddy, Reid, with us to dinner. We went to the Texas Roadhouse, a family favorite! I personally think Austin just enjoys being able to throw the peanut shells on the floor and making a huge mess! The highlight of the whole evening was when the waitresses all gathered around our table, put Austin up on the big bull and sang Happy Birthday to him....he was elated! Mimi got to join us at the restaurant as well, so it turned out to be a nice, family evening. We celebrated on another night at the house with Aunt Neekee, eating pizza, and enjoying a Spiderman themed cake. Austin's only request for his birthday this year was Ninjago, so we took him to the Lego store in Downtown Disney and let him pick out a few things. Granni & Grandpi also added to the collection. It is fun to see how his likes change with every year! For Austin's 6 year check-up with Dr. Benton we learned that he was 49.5 inches tall(97%tile), 51lbs(76%tile, and had a 15BMI(38%tile). Austin continues to be the energy that keeps our family in constant motion =)