Thursday, January 28, 2010

In Love With a Superhero

Today after lunch I decided to take the kids for a walk down to the pond by the mailboxes to see if we could find any ducks and feed them some stale bread. Unfortunately there were only 3 ducks and they were all of the way on the other side of the pond, so we threw the bread as far as we could and watched it sink to the bottom.....hoping it would at least make a good meal for a turtle or some fish. On the way back Austin asked me if he could put on his Iron Man costume that he had left behind because otherwise he would have sweltered. This has been THE costume of the week and he literally wears it whenever we are in the house with the occasional swap out with Buzz Lightyear when he's watching Toy Story. Anyway, in response to his question I of course told him that he could put it on when we got which he replied:
"Oh thank you Mommy, I missed him so much!"

Oh what a sweet heart that little boy has!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Winter School Program

Tonight the kids had their Winter School Program, The Teddy Bear Sleepover. Beforehand we went to The Swamp for a bite to eat and thought the kids would enjoy sitting outside and watching all of the foot traffic and cars go by. It was a bit chilly, but we managed to get through our delicious meals! As usual Austin and Brooke had ants in their pants and couldn't sit still so they wandered about the patio area in search of acorns(these were HUGE acorns by the way!) Granni and Granpi had joined us for dinner and we all loaded back up in the van to head over to the school. The kids needed to get changed into their PJ's for the performance, so Granni helped them. I heard A LOT of giggling coming from the back seat and asked what had happened and my Mom told me that Austin had just said to her:
"I can't wait to show my nuts to all of my friends!"
So innocently said, but it sure did get a HUGE chuckle out of all of us adults! Amongst the laughter Austin needed to get his PJ's on so he turned to Granni and said:
"Granni, can you please hold my nuts?"
HAHAHA....its times like these that you just have to cherish and be fortunate enough to remember to tell your kids when they are all grown up. I personally can't wait to share this memory with his future girlfriends....LOL!

Brooke found Daddy and posed for the camera!

This is what he did for most of the performance :)

Monday, January 18, 2010

People can't fly

On the way home from visiting Mimi in the hospital and picking up some Chick-Fil-A for dinner a funny little incident occurred. We had just switched around all of the car seats over the weekend since Addison is now officially a "Big Girl." Per Brooke's request we put she and Addi in the back together and moved Austin up to the Captain's seat in the middle. That ended up being a mistake because all he did was mess with the tv and kicked the passenger seat, which I happened to be sitting in. We were almost home and Austin decided to get out of his car seat straps. Brooke, being the mothering-type she is said to him:

"Austin, you need to buckle up right now! If we got into an accident you would go flying out the front window because you aren't buckled up!"

To this Austin replied:

"Well I don't have wings!"

Jeff and I just started cracking up and couldn't believe our little 3 year old was witty enough to come up with such a response. We were so close to home that all we could do is laugh rather than pulling over to make him strap in. Sometimes the interaction between those two is just priceless!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

A Sweet Celebration

The Birthday Girl

Today was Addison's birthday party. We decided to have it at home and keep it pretty simple with finger foods and cake. We invited family which consisted of Granni, Grandpi, Nana, Papa(who flew in for the special occasion), Aunt Neekee, Kayt, & Lyce. Mimi had been admitted to the hospital earlier that morning for breathing difficulties so she was unable to join us. We sure did miss having her there, but know she was with us in spirit! We also invited the Wagner's. Myers' & Smyder's who are always with us to celebrate. Addi got to have a few of her friends from her playgroup there too: Payton & Erik who were joined by their Mommies, Jenn & Allison, and their siblings, Delia & Evan. Just the right amount of guests if you ask me!

We wanted to give her a very girly theme so we went with cupcakes and kept the colors pink & brown. It all turned out so cute!

The "Sweets"

Her giant Cupcake Cake

Cupcakes for the kids to enjoy. Addi had the special one on the top.

The candy station. I painted the canvas for her to match the theme of the party.

Blowing out the candles

She DEVOURED her cupcake!

Capturing the family moment

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday Addi Rae

Wow! I honestly can't believe a whole year has gone by already since giving birth to our beautiful baby girl. We are truly blessed to have her in our lives and I am so grateful that Jeff agreed to having a 3rd child when he was content with 2. Who knew a little girl could change our lives so much!

Today we celebrate Addison's 1st birthday and remember the many blessings she has bestowed upon our lives over the past year. This was a rough week as all 3 kids were sick and I have had a terrible sinus infection impairing my normal function level.

Granni came over yesterday and gave her a "Birthday Girl" outfit to wear

To keep things low-key the 5 of us enjoyed a nice dinner out at BJ's and then took Addi to Toys R Us to pick out a special birthday gift.

This is what she picked out, although she was a bit cranky when we tried to take her picture. I guess she was thinking "Its my birthday and I'll cray if I want to!"

We knew that we were going to let her experience cake at her party on Saturday so we improvised and let her blow out the candle on a Little Debbie. Thank goodness Daddy loves his junk food!

I think its safe to say she liked it!