Tuesday, July 20, 2010

What is a Homophone?!?

Austin was trying to zip up the back of Brooke's dress and he stepped aside and asked "Can you do this dear?" to me. I said "What did you say" to which his reply was "I said dear, because Daddy always calls you a DEER".......LOL! Somehow I have a feeling that my son looks at me and sees Bambi =o)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Identity Crisis

Brooke and Austin began Summer Camp yesterday at Sun Country. They attend from 1:30pm-6:30pm this week and a week in august. Yesterday Jeff dropped them off and picked them off, however; today I had the opportunity to do both. When I picked them up we ran into our good friend, Danielle, who is the Office Manager. She stopped me and said she had a good story from the day. Elisa, their counselor, was talking to Danielle about her roster and Danielle told her that she had both Brooke AND Austin Cardozo. Elisa told her that she had Brooke Cardozo, but not Austin Cardozo. She then said "All I have is an Austin Danger." Of course, knowing exactly what happened Danielle began to laugh. Austin had told Elisa that his name was Austin Danger, which is why she couldn't match up the names on her roster. seriously wouldn't expect anything less from that little guy. After Danielle told me the story I asked him why he said his name was Austin Danger and he replied very sternly "BECAUSE I AM AUSTIN DANGER!!!!" There's no arguing with a 4 year-old, but it should make for an interesting and confusing week for those poor counselors =o)

Monday, July 12, 2010

Mimi's 80th Surprise Party

Yesterday we celebrated the 80th birthday of the Matriarch of our family, Mimi! We gathered family and friends from near and far to surprise her with a celebration that she is sure to remember. After spending the day surrounded by so much love and happiness I feel blessed that we were able to pull off such a wonderful tribute to a woman who has played such a HUGE part in my life, and is now carrying on that tradition with Brooke. We love you Mimi!

Click on this picture and you will be directed to an album showcasing all of the pics I took.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Family Photo Shoot

Kimby bought us a package with her wedding photographer, Mike Briggs, when Addison was born, but since we had already scheduled to have her newborn session done with Shandon we decided to wait until after Addison was 1 and walking to have a shoot done with the entire family. The shoot took place in Lake Mary and was a ton of fun. By the end we were all a sweaty mess from the Florida humidity(and it was only 8am!), but I couldn't be more pleased with the moments that were captured and wanted to share a few of my favorites: