Thursday, March 24, 2011

That's Our Boy!

So, as most everyone knows, Austin can be a bit of a handful! Most of the times I completely understand though as he is sandwiched in between two girls and is ALWAYS surrounded by estrogen! The past 2 weeks, however; have been a complete exception to his typical behavior. He has been wonderful at school, at Sunday School, and any other activity her partakes in. To say that I am so proud of him, I find to be a complete understatement! Last week he had a report come home from school that read:
"Best listener in the Busy Bee's class! Today, Austin was a leader :)"
I literally almost cried when I read it! The look of accomplishment on his face when I shower him with kisses, high fives, and compliments after receiving such praise is priceless!!
The past few weeks his Sunday School teacher has made a point to tell me how great he was and how much of a helper he has been.
Yesterday at CHEERS, Mrs. Patti, made it a point to find me and tell me(in front of Austin) how wonderful he has been in class and how great of a help he has also been.
Then, to put add the cherry on top, Austin got up in front of the entire Church congregation during the Children's Chat portion of the Lent service, and told everyone(via microphone) how he says Grace at the dinner table. I didn't get to witness this special moment(tear) as I was setting everything up for Lentapalooza, but my boss, Monique, told me that he did it and how great he was. He even volunteered to clean up the mess on the tables after we were all done baking chocolate chip cookies as part of out Great Grace Gala cooking lesson. He was rewarded with the 1st cookie out of the oven!

I have always said that out of all 3 of our kids, Austin has the most sincere heart, and he truly has proven it over the past few weeks! I LOVE that kid!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Another Surgery...

Brooke has to have her tonsils & adenoids removed and tubes put in. I scheduled her surgery today for April 21st. That is one year and one day after Austin had his tonsils & adenoids removed. Lets hope April of 2012 doesn't repeat history and we find ourselves at the surgical pavilion with Addi on April 22nd.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Gizmo: A little girl's best friend

Gizmo has been such a wonderful addition to our family(albeit we could do without the multiple accidents per day) and he has become Addison's best buddy. Every morning we have the opportunity to spend a few hours at home, you can be sure Gizmo is right by Addi's side. She treats him just like one of her baby dolls, and the best part is....he lets her! She feeds him pretend food, pushes him around in the stroller, and even gives him a bath in the baby center. She makes sure to let everyone know that he is HER puppy and does not like it when he tries to sneak a few moments of shut-eye to recharge his little puppy batteries. The other day my Mom was over for a bit in the morning and was able to witness the incredible bond between Addison and Gizmo. At one point she had put him in the doll crib and he began to cry, so I quickly rescued him. When she figured out that I was holding him, she came over and snatched him from me, promptly hugged him, kissed his head and proclaimed "Its o-tay Gizmo, I know Mommy's mean!"
My Mom looked at me and instantly began to crack up!