Monday, January 18, 2010

People can't fly

On the way home from visiting Mimi in the hospital and picking up some Chick-Fil-A for dinner a funny little incident occurred. We had just switched around all of the car seats over the weekend since Addison is now officially a "Big Girl." Per Brooke's request we put she and Addi in the back together and moved Austin up to the Captain's seat in the middle. That ended up being a mistake because all he did was mess with the tv and kicked the passenger seat, which I happened to be sitting in. We were almost home and Austin decided to get out of his car seat straps. Brooke, being the mothering-type she is said to him:

"Austin, you need to buckle up right now! If we got into an accident you would go flying out the front window because you aren't buckled up!"

To this Austin replied:

"Well I don't have wings!"

Jeff and I just started cracking up and couldn't believe our little 3 year old was witty enough to come up with such a response. We were so close to home that all we could do is laugh rather than pulling over to make him strap in. Sometimes the interaction between those two is just priceless!