Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday Addi Rae

Wow! I honestly can't believe a whole year has gone by already since giving birth to our beautiful baby girl. We are truly blessed to have her in our lives and I am so grateful that Jeff agreed to having a 3rd child when he was content with 2. Who knew a little girl could change our lives so much!

Today we celebrate Addison's 1st birthday and remember the many blessings she has bestowed upon our lives over the past year. This was a rough week as all 3 kids were sick and I have had a terrible sinus infection impairing my normal function level.

Granni came over yesterday and gave her a "Birthday Girl" outfit to wear

To keep things low-key the 5 of us enjoyed a nice dinner out at BJ's and then took Addi to Toys R Us to pick out a special birthday gift.

This is what she picked out, although she was a bit cranky when we tried to take her picture. I guess she was thinking "Its my birthday and I'll cray if I want to!"

We knew that we were going to let her experience cake at her party on Saturday so we improvised and let her blow out the candle on a Little Debbie. Thank goodness Daddy loves his junk food!

I think its safe to say she liked it!