Thursday, February 10, 2011

Meet Gizmo

In January, we had to make the heartbreaking decision to give Albert back to the Rescue and allow another family to adopt him. After spending 5 months getting to know him and loving him, we realized he just wasn't the right fit for our family and small children. It was a heart wrenching decision to make because we had grown to love him so much, but we knew it was the best decision for both him and us. I myself had a very difficult time dealing with giving him back, especially when Addi would cry and ask "Albert go bye-bye? Why??" I miss him, but am happy to report that a week later he was adopted by another family with teenage children :)
We had spoken to the kids in depth about getting another dog that would be the perfect match for us, and were lucky enough that one of my sister's friends had bread her Shih tzu and had a litter of puppies available. We picked out the fattest, most personable puppy of the bunch and on Tuesday afternoon we brought adorable little Gizmo home! The kids are absolutely in love with him to the point the keep count of how many times each one of them has held him and then fight over it. He accompanies us in the morning for the ride to school and sleeps on Brooke's lap the whole way there. So far he has been such a wonderful little puppy and we are so happy that we made him a part of our family!

His new favorite sleeping spot

His Furr-Real kitty girlfriend