Monday, December 7, 2009

My 1st Missed Milestone

Today I was fortunate enough to be a part of the Braveheart March that kicked off the Gainesville edition of Extreme Makeover Home Edition(more on this in a future blog after the build is done!) Jeff also had hi fist day hosting his very own radio show. My Mom came over while he was at the station to watch the kids for 2 hours. When I called her on my way home to ask how they were not only did she say they were "great!"........yes, that's what she said, but she also told me that when she went in to get Addi out of her crib she was SITTING UP playing with her toys. My sweet baby girls sat up for the first time on her own and I didn't get to experience the jubilation of finding her like that. I actually teared up while my Mom told me! Now I will wait and see how long it takes for her to show Mommy her new trick :0)

On another note, she permanently started taking baths in the big girl tub last week and absolutely LOVES them! Brooke and Austin get so excited when I tell them that they can take one with her too all by themselves and they take turns washing her. My babies are all growing up (((tear))) but I love how they play together. What a family we have created for ourselves!