Saturday, December 24, 2011

Live Nativity

I am thrilled that all 3 kids got to partake in the Live Nativity this year. What would make me more thrilled is if I actually got to see them in it, outside of the pics that were taken, but I guess that's the nature of my job. I really do enjoy watching all of the kids get into costume though and the excitement on their faces as they are about to head over to the stable area and then the elation on their faces as they return after their 15 minutes are over. Its a crazy 90 minutes for sure, on my end, but it flies by, I get to see so many people, and I am truly blessed to be a part of it every year.
The characters of choice this year were: Austin as Joesph, Brooke as an Angel, and Addi as an Angel. They were so cute in costume and Addison was super excited to be a part of it! The group of kids that were together with ours was also great as it was, Blythe and Shae Winston, Mikey & William Dietrich, Miles Kamp, and Brooke's friend Deanna, who just adores her! Having them all together in the pics is just priceless and we are so fortunate that Jeff Winston takes such incredible pics to document the event.