Tuesday, September 29, 2009

My heart has officially been melted!

It's hard to describe in words the bond that Addison and I have created, but there is just something special there! It's not to take away from the love I have for Brooke & Austin, but Addison and I are very close. Since birth she has been very attached to me and has had a hard time letting me out of her sight. I think it took almost 6+ months for her to even let someone other than me put her to bed at night. She is still nursing, which I totally love sharing that particular bond with her and now
I think she does it more out of comfort than necessity....which is okay with me because I love spending those precious moments with her. She is truly a blessing from above! It is not uncommon for her to overload me with hugs or as I am holding her she will put her head on my shoulder and start rubbing my back or arm......*sigh*! I longed for her first words to be "Mama" but from a previous post you already know that just didn't happen, but that's okay with me. Last Sunday, September 20th, I went to get her out of her high chair after breakfast and as I walked over to her she looked up at me, put her arms out and said "Mama" for the first time (with meaning anyway) and it was clear as day. Brooke and Austin will tell you that she's said it before, but I think it was truly just her baby babble that sounded as though she was saying it. I truly couldn't believe my ears! In that moment I think my heart simply melted! Later that day she was lying on our bed and actually rolled from belly to back for the first time. She pinned her arm under her and cried, but at least she actually did it because up until that point she had been pretty immobile. Now she will lie on her belly and scooch her but up in the air as thought she's trying to learn to crawl. Her mobility has been slow-going, but I'm sure she'll get it...........someday!