Tuesday, September 29, 2009

MOPS Convention 2009

My spiritual journey took a turn for the better 3 years ago when I attended my 1st MOPS Convention in Orlando. I remember being in the auditorium filled with 5,000 other Moms and listening to the powerful words coming from the talent of Matt Redman, who served as our worship leader that year. I closed my eyes and was overcome with such a fantastic flood of emotions that trickled through my body in the form of goosebumps starting at the tips of my toes and extending all the way up to the top of my head. At that moment I knew that the ministry that I had become a part of was going to be a life altering lifeline for me as a wife, mother, and child of God. Last year Kelly and I went to Convention together in Texas and we had a great time together and again I left feeling spiritually rejuvenated. This year we traveled to Nashville, 6 of us total, and spent 3 days in worship and fellowship with about 4,000 other Moms. We were led in worship by Matt Redman and Christy Nockels, and heard other Christian artists such as Plumb (who has the voice of an angel and song lyrics that move you to tears), Matthew West, and Natalie Grant. They all brought their families and introduced them to us, which just put a smile on your face knowing how they were in the same life moments that we all were. We said Good-Bye to Elisa Morgan who spent the past 20 years at the President of MOPS as she relinquished her reign to Naomi Cramer-Overton, laughed to the point of tears through the comic geniousness(this is my own word) of Ken Davis, and gained everlasting insight and wisdom through our individual classes.
This time around I spent much time in thought and thanking God for all of my blessings! After almost losing my Dad last year I had SO much to be thankful for. He pulled through his traumatic ordeal and is making strides toward becoming fully healthy again, I gave birth to our Angel, Addison Rae, Bill made it back safely from his tour in Afghanistan, Jeff didn't lose his t.v. show which we thought was going to happen due to budget cuts, and so many more personal triumphs! Now along with these blessing have come our fair share of obstacles as well, but I am reminded that as long as you believe in the power of prayer, good things can and will happen! I am eternally grateful to my husband who allows me to be a part of this spiritual walk every year as he stays home and takes care of our 3 children and runs the household and there is no better feeling than the anticipation on our long journey back to Gainesville of seeing them again and when I open the door to our home and they run to me with open arms and smiles that cover their faces from ear to ear, I am confident in knowing my purpose here on Earth.
Being a part of MOPS has truly changed my life and I leave Convention this year living day to day focusing on the motto first illustrated in the Bible and being taught by Elisa Morgan through her writing..........."She Did What She Could."