Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Mother's Day

This year's Mother's Day was somewhat depressing for me as Jeff was out of town for it and the kids were a bit wild during the 5 days he was gone(he was thoughtful though and left several presents for the kids to give to me, which they thought was so exciting...they especially liked the cards. There was a lot of coffee products involved...go figure!). I also had to work the morning of, so that was a unique experience for me. My Mom & Dad, whom I just adore, decided to change their plans of taking my Grandma out for dinner to include the kids and I, which melted my heart. My Dad cooked steaks & chicken on the grill while my Mom whipped up a bunch of sides, and the kids and I contributed carrot cake for dessert. It really meant a lot to me that we were able to spend the afternoon together! Jeff did return home around 8:00 that night(after a full day of traveling) with chocolate covered strawberries in hand and we had an enjoyable few hours together.
The next evening we went out to Cody's steakhouse as a family and celebrated the occasion.
I have to add that the most special gifts I received were from Brooke & Austin. They each made me something at school and both gifts just warmed my heart. I have to give their teacher's so much credit for their creativity and thoughtfulness. I also joined Austin for a Mother's Day brunch with his class on the Wednesday prior and we had a fun time celebrating and eating goodies.

A beautiful bouquet of Tulips & Irises was delivered to me from my sweet husband...

Brooke made a special book with her class that they each presented to their moms...

Austin made an adorable hand print craft with a poem that melted my heart...

We had fun eating at Cody's and enjoyed our time together as a family...