Tuesday, May 17, 2011

What is Granni teaching her anyway??

So, this story is too funny not to share with the world. It may embarrass Addison down the road when I show it to her boyfriends, but for now it makes me chuckle! We were at my Mom & Dad's on Mother's Day and Addison told me that she had to go "potty." I took her in and she asked me to leave, so I did and told her I'd be back in a few minutes to check on her. When I peaked in on her I couldn't believe what she was doing....
She had the Target ads from the paper and was reading them while going "potty." Even better was that she was sorting through them and separating out the ones she wanted to show Mimi from those she didn't care for....LOL!
When I saw her I stepped out and began cracking up. Everyone asked me what was so funny and I told them what she was doing. My Mom then informed me that she was the one who taught her to do fact what she said was she tells her to "Grab something to read and just relax." I couldn't let the moment pass me by without snapping a photo to document it. I did, however; have to sneak said photo because I knew Addison wouldn't cooperate if she saw what I was doing. I had to set the camera on my phone and just hold my arm out just passed the opening of the door and quickly snap it. After I took it I looked at it and saw that Addison looked a little funky so I tried to take another one, but she spotted me and quickly turned in embarrassment. I seriously crack up every time I look at the pictures and enjoy showing my friends and listening to them giggle over the story behind them!