Wednesday, June 17, 2009


So, I totally forgot to blog about this when it happened, but I was reminded of it yesterday and decided it was definitely blog worthy. A few weeks ago I took the kids swimming at my parent's house. My brother was also there with my niece, Cheyenne. He had been working on teaching her several new things and she was telling us what she learned. Potty training was the BIG one, but she was also learning what her WHOLE name was. My Mom asked her what her name was and in her own version of English she said Cheyenne Elizabeth Harwood. "Yeah!" We all replied and clapped for her. My Mom then asked Austin what his name was and he replied "Austin." She then said, "Austin What?" In typical Austin fashion his colorful response was "Austin Danger!" We of course all cracked up laughing and said "No it's Austin Taylor." With a stern look on his face he scolded us all and said "No! My name is Austin Danger!" "That's what Mr. Phil says!!"
So, Austin now thinks his real name is Austin Danger. Perhaps this is his Father's fault as when he was a baby we used to joke and call him Austin Danger (derived from the Austin Powers movies). Our good friend Phil, has kept that name in tact and now his two kids, Reid & Riley, who are Austin's closest friends call him that. So, funny the things kids pick up and keep a hold of! Now on a related note, Reid told his Mom the other day that he wanted to change his name. She asked him what he wanted to change it to and his reply was "Austin Danger." Kelly told him that there was already an Austin Danger and Reid still insisted that he wanted to be called Austin Danger just like his buddy. My response to all of this....."The world can only handle ONE Austin Danger!"