Saturday, June 20, 2009

Riley is NOT a fan of baby spit-up

So, yesterday was the last day of VBS and there was a cookout afterward. I brought along some squash to feed Addison since she's not quite ready for the burgers and dogs yet :o) After we ate we made our rounds to visit all of our friends and ended up moving over to the table where the Wagners were. Riley is always wanting to hold Addison and is very intrigued by her. In the middle of all of the chaos of Brooke, Austin, Reid, and Riley running around the sanctuary, Riley decided to take a little pit stop to visit with Addison and I. Just as she did Addi decided to regurgitate her squash all over me. Riley looked at me and said "What is that?" I told her that it was Addison's lunch and where I made the mistake was in telling her that it was nasty and all over me. I then asked her if she wanted to sit down and hold Addison so that I could take a picture of them together. Riley looked at me with a disgusted face and replied "Um no, I don't want that nasty stuff to get all over me!" Too cute :o) Needless to say I didn't get the photo-op I was hoping for.