Monday, June 15, 2009

A big week for Addi Rae

On Wednesday, June 3rd, my sister and I took Addison to the mall to get her ears pierced. In tow were Austin, Kayt, Lyce, and LoLo(the little boy Moe watches). It was an experience to say the least with 5 kids, but we survived...and so did little Addi for that matter. I chose round little earrings with her garnet birthstone encased in sterling silver. It took several attempts before the girl had drawn holes on her ears that we agreed were in a good location before I would let her get on with the actual piercing. My sister held Addi (I'm too much of a wimp to do so and am sure would cry myself). She had done this for Brooke when she was 3 months old as well, so I knew she was the right person for the job. Addi cried for a moment after the 1st ear was pierced and then cried a little more after the 2nd. It took some prying to get her from my sister, but as soon as she was in her Momma's arms she forgot about the pain. The other 4 kids received lollipops from the girl for being such good watchers during the process (this made their day!) We were then off to surprise Grannie, except my sister had spoken to her on the way to the mall and well, the cat was already lete out of the bag :o(
The next day while sitting on the couch I noticed a little something in Addi's mouth....her 1st tooth! All I could think of was "Oh my goodness! My little baby is only 4 1/2 months old and she is already getting teeth!" My 2nd thought was "Oh no, does this mean she's going to start biting me while nursing now.....OUCH!!!" You see, I went through this with Austin, albeit he got teeth a little later, but it is the precise reason why he was cut off from nursing. He was a little piranha!
On Friday I dropped the older kids off with Grannie and Grandpi and Addi and I were off to Jax to meet up with Jeff and attend the wedding festivities for Riley and Jenilee. This was already the 2nd wedding Addi attended in her so far short little life. She was a trooper for the most part, but had her melt down both nights by about 8:30 (understandable since her bedtime was 7:30.) She got to see the beach for the 1st time (no pics though since it rained for the ceremony...booo!) It was nice to spend a little bonding time with just Daddy, Mommy, and our new little princess.